Type Date Title
Special Day 20 May, 2025 World Bee Day
We all depend on bees. Nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species depend, entirely, or at least in part, on animal pollination, along with more than 75% of the world’s food crops and 35% of global agricultural land.
Special Day 12 May, 2025 Vesak, Buddah's birthday and the Full Moon
This is the most sacred day to millions of Buddhists around the world as it was on the Day of Vesak two and a half millennia ago, in the year 623 B.C., that the Buddha was born, but his birthday moves every year as it follow the lunar not earth's cyc
Special Day 20 Apr, 2025 Easter
Easter Sunday is the single most important holy day throughout Christianity. Religious scholars believe the event occurred three days after the Romans crucified Jesus in roughly 30 AD. Christians therefore derive hope that they too will experience
Special Day 01 Apr, 2025 Microsoft AI now senses brainwaves to replace your mouse / trackpad.
Active today, Microsoft is trialling an amazing new AI enhancement that senses subtle brain waves via bluetooth to move your mouse. TRY IT! Focus on the mouse pointer and think 'move left', 'move right' etc - it will take a few goes to work.
Special Day 31 Mar, 2025 Eiffel Tower Day
The Eiffel Tower officially opened on March 31st 1889 and its opening is celebrated on this day every year. The tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel. Eiffel also designed the framework for the Statue of Liberty, located in New York.
Special Day 14 Jan, 2025 International Kite Day
Kite day commemorates the transition from winter to summer, as well as the forthcoming winter crop harvest. People go from all over the world to participate in the festivities.
Special Day 31 Oct, 2024 Halloween
Halloween 2023 on October 31 is undoubtedly the creepiest, most ghostly holiday of them all. Children dress up as Batman, the Joker, Wonder Woman, or some other favorite character; go to parties or walk their neighborhoods with jack o’ lanterns...
Special Day 12 Oct, 2024 The Americas Cup starts today
The America's Cup is something else. The F1 of yacht racing, these 75ft yachts literally fly at up to 60mph! Then there is the history - the longest winning streak, ended by Australia in 1983, then the greatest comeback in 2013 by Oracle Team USA.
Special Day 10 Oct, 2024 National walk to a park day
Why not get out and walk to a park at lunch time today? It is National walk to a park day, so go on.
Special Day 05 Oct, 2024 Be late for something day
Do you consider having one moment of leisure when you’re supposed to be somewhere a grievous sin? What’s wrong with you? Today is the day you can get away with doing something else, just blame the Procrastinators Club of America!
Special Day 04 Oct, 2024 National Wildlife day
This day underlines the critical role of animals and plants in maintaining ecological balance and highlights the dangers they face from habitat loss, climate change, and illegal activities and the alarming rate at which species are disappearing.
Special Day 02 Oct, 2024 Audiophile day
Audiophile is used to mean someone who loves to reproduce sound to the highest quality, but the literal meaning of audiophile is someone that loves audio - music - which is most of us. So today, enjoy your favorite music.
Special Day 02 Oct, 2024 Audiophile day
Audiophiles are passionate about high fidelity. You do need good kit, but some spend fortunes unnecessarily - a $1million prize was offered to anyone who could demonstrate that $10,000 cables are any better than ordinary ones. No one has tried!
Special Day 01 Oct, 2024 National Racoon Appreciation Day
Raccoons do get a bad rap, but they do dig in garbage, steal food from campers, set up nests in people’s attics or chimneys, abuse chickens, steal their eggs and worse. But they are real characters and are simply doing their best to survive.
Special Day 01 Oct, 2024 National Racoon Day
Raccoons get a bit of a bad rap. Some think they are rodents, but they are more closely related to bears, cats and wolves. Sure they dig in garbage, steal food from campers etc., but they are real characters and are an important part of the ecosystem
Special Day 30 Sep, 2024 International Thunderbirds Day (no, not the car)
If you've not heard of Thunderbirds, the classic British puppet show from the 60's, it's worth a watch. We could do with an International Rescue!
Special Day 29 Sep, 2024 National Coffee Day
Today we celebrate the people that discovered this bean, stripped it, dried it, roasted it, brewed it in water and spread it around the world. Seriously, thank you!
Special Day 26 Sep, 2024 Love Note Day
Brighten a loved one's day today, by writing a message of kindness and affection in the form of a little note. Most people don't even know of this day, so is really effective if the recipient isn’t aware that Love Note Day even exists!
Special Day 24 Sep, 2024 Bluebird of happiness day!
The blue bird is considered to be a harbinger of joy, good luck and a harbinger of bliss and jubilation. We wish you a great Bluebird of Happiness Day and hope you enjoy this tiny creature that brings so much delight!
Special Day 21 Sep, 2024 International Day of Peace
Dedicated to world peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence, such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone for humanitarian aid access. The day was first established in 1981 and first observed in September 1982.
Special Day 21 Sep, 2024 World Peace Day
Observed by many around the world on the 21st September with the aim to have every day a day of peace.
Special Day 19 Sep, 2024 Talk like a pirate day
Can you get through the day without hearing or doing an Arrr or telling a bad pirate joke? Why are pirates called pirates? Because they arrrrrre!
Special Day 17 Sep, 2024 Country Music Day
If you are a fan, today is your day. If you are not a fan, International Country Music Day may be the day for you to find out more about this genre of music.
Special Day 12 Sep, 2024 World Dolphin Day
A day to celebrate the beauty of this extra ordinary creature on a day commemorating the brutal killing of 1428 Atlantic white-sided dolphins in the Faroe Islands in 2021 - the largest single slaughter of cetaceans in recorded history.
Special Day 08 Sep, 2024 World literacy day
Unesco say literacy is pretty good, allowing people to acquire broader knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, and behaviours to foster a culture of lasting peace based on respect for equality, justice etc. to learn more click here!
Special Day 07 Sep, 2024 Clean air, blue skies day
Who doesn't want clean air and blue skies? The UN asks for us to work together, across borders and boundaries to help reduce air pollution, leverage finance and investments towards air quality measures and solutions.
Special Day 07 Sep, 2024 National Hummingbird day
These beautiful, tiny creatures are about to go on a 4,000 mile migration, we can all help them prepare by putting out feeders and plant nectar plants for next year. Learn more here ->
Special Day 30 Aug, 2024 International Whale Shark Day
Ok, are they sharks, or are they whales? A whale shark is a shark, but even though they are the largest living species of shark and fish on our planet growing up to 20m, don't be alarmed - they eat plankton.
Special Day 29 Aug, 2024 International Day against Nuclear Tests
Bikini Atoll, once a beautiful tropical island in the pacific was destroyed in Nuclear tests and to this day is uninhabitable - a warning to us all of the dangers of nuclear testing as well as nuclear war.
Special Day 29 Aug, 2024 National lemon juice day
Try lemon instead of vinegar on your salad, squeeze some on your fish, steak, chops, fries or in hot water for a refreshing 'Sophia Loren', and then there is lemonade and lemon pie etc. What's not to love about lemons?
Special Day 28 Aug, 2024 National Bow Tie Day
If you see someone wearing a bow tie today don't worry, you've not missed a wedding or a Bond party, its' national bow tie day, and if you want to learn how to tie a bow tie, watch this.
Special Day 26 Aug, 2024 National Dog Day
Today celebrates dogs of all kinds and encourages fostering love and kindness through ownership and adoption, regardless of breed.
Special Day 22 Aug, 2024 National Pecan Pie Day
Pecans are native to North America. The first printed recipes for the pie started appearing in the late 1800s, but the classic pecan pie of today became popular in the 1930s by Karo, to help sell their corn syrup, a necessary ingredient in the pie.
Special Day 21 Aug, 2024 National Pecan pie day tomorrow
Brighten everyone's mood in the office tomorrow, make or buy some Pecan pie to have with morning coffee (or tea).
Special Day 21 Aug, 2024 National Spumoni day
Spumoni is a delicious Italian dessert made with gelato, whipped cream, and mix-ins like candied fruit, nuts, and chocolate pieces. Celebrate the day with some Spumoni - or make some. Here's the recipe:
Blog Post 19 Aug, 2024 How to schedule meetings across time zones
Scheduling meetings across time zones is easy, right? Actually, no it’s not.
Special Day 13 Aug, 2024 Left Handers Day
Stoneage implements were equally left and right handed. In the waring bronzeage, as the heart is on the left the shield was on the left and weapons in the right. Is this where right hand dominance came from?
Special Day 12 Aug, 2024 International Youth Day
Half of the people on our planet are 30 or younger, and this is expected to reach 57% by the end of 2030. Survey shows that 67% of people believe in a better future, with 15 to 17 year-olds being the most optimistic about this.
Special Day 12 Aug, 2024 World Elephant Day
We love elephants and seen human traits in them, yet through our actions we balance on the brink of seeing the last of these magnificent creature. Think of them today.
Special Day 10 Aug, 2024 Biofuel Day
Biofuel is carbon neutral and drecreases emissions by 50-85%. If interested, learn about Solazyme / TerraVia and other methods of bio fuel production.
Special Day 09 Aug, 2024 Indigenous Peoples Day
Indigenous Peoples are inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to people and the environment. They have retained social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct and unique.
Special Day 08 Aug, 2024 Infinity Day
Celebrate the number 8, celebrate Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, celebrate the universe, mathematics, the number of planets in the solar system, Oxygen, spider's and octopuses, 2 cubed, we could go on forever!
Special Day 08 Aug, 2024 International Cat Day
Today is infinity day AND International Cat Day. Which do you celebrate? The one that goes on and on and on, or the fluffy one that purrs?
Special Day 06 Aug, 2024 Hiroshima Day
Hiroshima Day is observed yearly on August 6 to commemorate the day the first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War II. The attack resulted in the immediate death of at least 70,000 people and a similar number injured.
Blog Post 05 Aug, 2024 Can my boss spy on me via Microsoft Teams?
Microsoft Teams is a great productivity tool for employees, but can your activity on Teams be monitored by your employer?
Special Day 05 Aug, 2024 National Oyster Day
The Greeks oysters for food and pearsl and were the first to cultivate them. Fishermen would scatter pieces of broken pottery in places where oysters grew to encourage baby oysters to attach themselves to the pieces.
Special Day 04 Aug, 2024 National Coast Guard Day
On August 4th 1790 the US Congress approved Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton’s proposal to build ten light, fast patrol boats to patrol U.S. waterways to enforce trade and tariff. This was the beginning of the US Coast Guard.
Blog Post 01 Aug, 2024 Merging Outlook calendars for successful office communication
Merging Outlook calendars is great way to show your Outlook work calendar and personal together as overlaying calendars. It’s what merging was designed for.
Special Day 31 Jul, 2024 Harry Potter's Birthday
Yes, it is a national day, but it's also a day for dogs, avocados, jelly beans and raspberry cake.
Special Day 31 Jul, 2024 Harry Potter's Birthday
Yes, it is a national day, honest! But today you can also celebrate Avocadoes, Jelly Beans, Dogs and Raspberry cake.
Special Day 26 Jul, 2024 Talk in an elevator day, Friday 26th
Yes, it's national 'Talk in an Elevator' Day... all day... so strike up a conversation with a stranger cos it's official.
Special Day 14 Jul, 2024 Belgian Fries Day
French Fries actually originated in Belgium, not France, and now 11 million tons of French fries are consumed annually, making it the most devoured food!.
Blog Post 08 Jul, 2024 How to export Outlook calendar to Excel for company wide calendars, availability reports, time tracking etc.
We are often asked how to export Outlook calendar data from Outlook for analytics, reporting, improving visibility of employee calendars, and even to use appointment data in time tracking.
Blog Post 25 Jun, 2024 New Outlook – changes, benefits and its affect on add-ins and plugins
Microsoft appears to have started rolling out its New Outlook upgrade. Some Timewatch customers have reported that Outlook users are receiving alerts that their version of Outlook is ‘out-of-date’ and they need to upgrade. The upgrade is
Blog Post 17 Jun, 2024 How this consultant timesheet automation saves time and increases billability
Few consultants enjoy timesheet entry and administration tasks. They are experts in their field and their time is valuable. Their time is best spent in high value, customer-facing tasks that generate revenue – not writing expense reports or fil
Blog Post 24 May, 2024 How to help employees beat their auto timesheet reminder…
Keeping track of employee hours is a time-consuming process for administrators. Timesheets are an easy solution to tracking staff time, but users can forget to fill in their hours, be “too busy” to complete their timesheet, or make errors with their
Special Day 21 May, 2024 Tea anyone?
Tea is the world’s most consumed drink, after water, and today we celebrate Tea. It is believed that tea originated in northeast India, north Myanmar and southwest China, but the exact place where the plant first grew is not known. It has been with u
Blog Post 07 May, 2024 Make Outlook a better company calendar with Outlook Optics™
Outlook Optics™ is custom-made for growing businesses that use Outlook as their preferred personal management software but want a company calendar, organization-wide group calendaring, resource scheduling, or to analyze and report on Outlook c
Blog Post 05 Apr, 2024 New Outlook scheduling plug-in helps get your resources organized and stay organized
Our new Outlook scheduling plugin brings company resource scheduling features to Outlook, and works with Whitespace®, our resource scheduling software, and our new Outlook Optics™ group calendar and resource scheduling system for Outlook. The
Blog Post 05 Mar, 2024 AI Time Tracking and Automatic time tracking, how does it work?
Timewatch has been researching the use of AI for many years now and has so far trialed multiple approaches to AI time tracking and AI timesheet entry including voice and chat. It’s true that AI can help with time tracking, but most approaches actuall
Blog Post 08 Feb, 2024 Automatic time tracking with Outlook
If our timesheet system could read your employee’s minds and fill out their timesheets for them automatically, would you use it? Okay, well we can’t read people’s minds, but we can actually do the automatic time tracking part.
Blog Post 27 Nov, 2023 How To Avoid and Resolve a Work Scheduling Conflict
A scheduling conflict is when two or more events or activities are set to take place at the same time. This type of double booking can be – or become – a major issue for employees, managers, or project completion. It doesn’t have to be th
Blog Post 07 Nov, 2023 Are Your Timesheets Really Secure? How Timewatch Locks In Timesheet Security
Secure timesheets are important for your business or organization. Timesheets contain sensitive data including customer, project, and employee details as well as cost rates, recharge rates, and competitive commercial information which can be damaging
Blog Post 03 Nov, 2023 Google Calendar time tracking – how to use Google calendars as a timesheet
You’ve probably already realized that Google calendars has most of the information needed for time tracking. If only you could add a customer, maybe a project, report on time spent, or maybe link this information with your timesheet. Well, you
Blog Post 19 Oct, 2023 How to create an Outlook team calendar for effective team scheduling
We are often asked how to create an Outlook Team Calendar to view team calendars, perform employee scheduling and analyse team productivity, availability, capacity, etc.
Blog Post 22 Sep, 2023 How to make Outlook a more collaborative calendar for resource scheduling
Microsoft 365 Outlook is a common choice for organization-wide calendaring and resource scheduling. Outlook is an excellent calendar / scheduling resource for individuals, but there are many enhancements that can be added to improve its collaborative
Blog Post 21 Aug, 2023 One Outlook, Microsoft’s latest version of Outlook released a preview
Microsoft released ‘One Outlook’ to the public through Windows Insiders on May 17, 2023. Timewatch has been tracking the development and release of this forthcoming version for some time, and it’s good news.
Blog Post 14 Aug, 2023 What is Resource Capacity Planning?
Resource capacity planning is how a business defines the amount of work that can be performed by an organization’s resources over a period of time and how the business can allocate that work to its available resources to meet current and future
Blog Post 10 Jul, 2023 How to create an Office 365 Group Calendar that makes Outlook even better
Outlook is a great product from the perspective of an individual employee. Timewatch makes it even better – especially for a business looking for a big picture perspective. Timewatch can help you make better use of Outlook and improve your busi